Surah Al-Mu’min

>> Thursday, August 11, 2011

Surah Al-Mu'min (Arabic: المؤمن, "People Who Faithful") or a Surah Ghafir (Arabic: غافر) is the 40th sura of the Qur'an. This Surah consists of 85 paragraphs, including class-sura surah Makkiyah. Sura was revealed after surah Az-Zumar and has 3 names is Al-Mu'min, Ghafir, and At-Tawl.

Download Links Al-Qur'an Recitation 30 Juz by K.H. Muammar ZA

Please Download here Al-Qur'an Recitation by K.H. Muammar ZA All Ayat Surah Al-Mu’min

Attention: Buy the original cassette and CD for he still works

This Surah has 3 names. The name is often used is Al-Mu'min. While 2 other names are Ghafir and At-Tawl or Zit Tawl. Third the name of this sura is the official name and has a connection with this sura.

The name Al-Mu'min (Arabic: المؤمن) obtained from the hadeeth of the Prophet who called it a sura Ha Mim Al-Mu'min by beginning with the letters Ha Mim. It is used to distinguish it from other suras that start with paragraph Mutasyabihat similarly Ha Mim As-Sajda surah which is also known as Ha Mim As-Sadjah. In addition, the word al-Mu'min, which means "The Male The Faithful" refers to the story of a man believed found in verse 28 of this sura. He is a follower of the Pharaoh and a Qibti. However, he hid his faith. Until one day he received the mission of Moses and defend him. This person described the Koran as a person who preaches defense. There are several opinions as to who this person's name. In Tafsir Ibn Kathir, he is "Habib". At-Tabari argues that he is "Khair". While Ibn Abbas argued that he was "Hazbil" or "Hazfil". And there is also a call "Syam'an" .

Ghafir Name (Arabic: غافر) taken from the 3rd verse of this surah in which there is said Ghafir. Ghafir word is also one of God's nature, which means "Forgive". While the name At-Tawl also taken from the 3rd paragraph of Zit Tawl words contained in the final paragraph. At-Tawl means "Gift That Has No End."

Main content

1. Faith: The properties of the angels who carry 'the Throne and those around him, the arguments that demonstrate the power of God, the attributes of God who shows His greatness and majesty; knowledge encompasses all things, the evidence indicates the existence of the Hour .
2. Story: The story of Moses with Pharaoh.
3. Other: Al Quran and the attitude of believers and unbelievers to it; requests so that the unbelievers are removed from the Fire warning to the unbelievers on the Day of Resurrection virulence; recommended patience in the face of the idolaters; favors God contained in the land and sea; promise Allah that the believers will be victorious against his enemies.

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