Surah An-Najm

>> Thursday, August 11, 2011

Surah An-Najm (Arabic: النجم) is the 53rd sura of the Qur'an. This Surah consists of 62 paragraphs, including class-sura sura after sura Makkiyah and lowered al-Ikhlas. Name an-Najm, which means star, taken from an-Najm words contained in the first paragraph of this letter.

Download Links Al-Qur'an Recitation 30 Juz by K.H. Muammar ZA

Please Download here Al-Qur'an Recitation by K.H. Muammar ZA All Ayat Surah An-Najm

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Summary of the line 1-12

The first eighteen verses of this sura are considered to be some of the earliest revelations of the Qur'an. These verses address the legitimacy of Muhammad’s prophetic visions. The sura begins with the divine voice swearing by the falling star that “Your companion,” referring to Muhammad, has not gone mad, nor does he speak out of his desire. The passage evokes the process of vision by tracing the movement along the highest horizon and then coming down and drawing near to the distance of “two bows” length. The passage ends with the affirmation of the validity of the vision by stating that the heart of the prophet “did not lie in what it saw.”

The surah is distinguished as being the first that required Muslims to prostrate (perform sajdah) when it is recited, according to Tafsir Ibn Kathir and a number of hadiths. The sura claims that, when it was first narrated by Muhammad in Mecca, all Muslims and non-Muslims who heard the recitation prostrated to God upon its completion due to the effect that the words had upon them.

Main content

1. Faith: the Qur'an is the revelation of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad Gabriel mediated a.s. pagan falsehood; no seseorangpun give Syafa'at without the permission of God, each person only bear his own sin.
2. The Laws: Liability away from major sins; obligation prostrate and worship Allah alone;
3. And others: the Prophet Muhammad, s.a.w. saw the angel Gabriel 2 times in its original form, ie one time received the first revelation and once again in Sidratul Muntaha; suggestion that humans do not say he was holy because God is the one who knows who is devoted to Him; idolaters always mock Al Quran.

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