General Knowledge

>> Monday, August 8, 2011

The Internet has changed a lot of things about the world. People now routinely do things like shop, conduct business, and even date online. It is said that we are in the information age, and there is certainly no shortage of information available today. People can now find out almost anything they care to, just by opening a web browser. This opens a world of convenience to people, but it also poses a risk as people search out all sorts of general knowledge that may or may not be correct.
Businesses have come to love the Internet. Vast new markets have been opened up. Now, like at no other time in history, small businesses find themselves able to expand their growth exponentially for a relatively paltry sum of money. A global marketplace has opened up. A business that can offer information about the products people are looking for, and then go on to close the sale stands to do very well, as long as they can get themselves seen among the crowd of competitors. Generally, legitimate businesses are a reliable source for information when people want to find out more about a product. Likewise, there are many sites that provide the service of offering unbiased reviews of products which can prove very helpful to shoppers.
The search for knowledge runs into problems when people start to assume that everything they read is true. The explosive growth of the Internet has led to easy access to a wealth of knowledge, but it has also led to some people being duped. It is important that people realize, and that they teach their children to realize, that reading something online or in print does not make it true. People must be willing to use their common sense when they are online, just as they would in the "real" world. Students who are looking for information for school projects should must be taught to stick to established and trusted sources. Wikis that allow readers to post information may be interesting to read, but unless they are backed by documentation, they should not be considered solid research.
For people who crave knowledge, our mega-connected world is an amazing place. For shoppers, finding bargains and product information has never been easier. We must temper our enthusiasm a bit though and keep ourselves grounded in reality as we explore the ever expanding virtual landscape.

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  • Download Exercise Tes Pengetahuan Umum Part II (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!

General knowledge or General aptitude is the most essential factor for identifying how much of functional knowledge one possesses about his or her society. Functional implies the fact that the said issue is reliably effective in its co-operability with the surroundings. Therefore, when we speak of General Knowledge and General Aptitude being the functional knowledge, we imply that it is that specific knowledge which helps with the coordinated and comprehensive interaction with the world around us.
Too many big words eh?! Plainly speaking, it's about your knowledge about general affairs around the world, staying in touch with the recent developments. How much are we actually bothered about the world, when we know that the problems and concerns at home are too big to even spare some attention to some other things like: who killed whom at a recent gun-duel, or why Fidel Castro is still alive and revered etc.
Would you not be concerned if the rising prices in Indian Market are actually the reason why your 30,000 per month salary is still not enough to help you buy that family car? And how much more would you be concerned if it dawned on you that the rise in prices and the spiraling market conditions have been motivated and instigated by various socially relevant events of relatively local magnitude? Alright, now that I drove the point home that how important your General Knowledge/General Aptitude is important; let me clarify where does General Knowledge fit in the scope of major national and international examinations!
Well, they exams are not really testing your skills in general awareness, but they actually intend to force the candidates to keep a tab of the latest happenings, since this will really help in the long run where crunching large chunks of social information on general issues becomes a norm in almost every field or profession!

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