Surah Saba’

>> Thursday, August 11, 2011

Surah Saba '(Arabic: سورة سبأ) is the 34th sura of the Qur'an. It belongs sura surah Makkiyah consisting of 54 verses. Named Saba 'because there is a story in sura Saba. Saba 'is the name of a nomadic tribe from the tribes-Arab tribes living in Yemen today. They established the kingdom who is familiar with Saba kingdom whose capital Ma'rib; have to build a giant dam named Dam Ma'rib, so that they are fertile and prosperous country. Luxury and prosperity has caused people of Saba forget and disbelieve in Allah who has delegated the pleasure to them, and they also deny the plight of the apostles. Because of their disavowal of this, God menimpahkan to their doom in the form of a great flood caused by dam bobolnya Ma'rib. After the dam breaking domestic Ma'rib Saba 'become dry and their kingdom shattered.

Download Links Al-Qur'an Recitation 30 Juz by K.H. Muammar ZA

Please Download here Al-Qur'an Recitation by K.H. Muammar ZA All Ayat Surah Saba’

Attention: Buy the original cassette and CD for he still works

Key Points of Contents

  • Faith
    o The Science of God encompasses all that is in the heavens and everything on earth
    o The Truth of the Day of Resurrection and the Day of Judgement
    o Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is warner
    o On the Day of Resurrection, the idols that can not benefit at all
    o If the result of a misguided kesesatannya struck himself, and if he met the right way is a blessing for God's guidance.

  • Stories
    o The Story of David a.s. and the Prophet Solomon a.s.
    o The Story of Saba '

  • Others
    o reproach to the idolaters who worship idols
    o accuses accusing the leaders who mislead by his followers on the Day of Judgement
    o The attitude of the polytheists when they hear Al-Quran
    o The apostles did not ask for wages in carrying out his message
    o The Pagans pray to God to be returned to the world to carry out God's commands and stay away from ban
    o People who live excessive and arbitrary always hostile to the Prophet

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