Surah Qaf

>> Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sura QAF (Arabic: ق, "QAF") is the 50th surah of the Qur'an. It belongs sura surah Makkiyah consisting of 45 verses. Named sura QAF since it begins with the letter QAF. According to the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim that the Prophet Muhammad loved reading this surah in the first rak'ah dawn prayers and the prayers holidays. Medium according to the report of Abu Daud, Al-Bayhaqi and Ibn Majah that the Prophet Muhammad to read this letter at each read the Sermon on the Friday prayers. Both history shows that the sura QAF often read of the Prophet Muhammad in public places, to warn people about their events and favors given to him, as well as on the Day of Resurrection, Reckoning day, heaven, hell, reward, sin, etc.. Surah is named Al-Basiqat also taken from the words of Al-Basiqat contained in paragraph 10 of this surah.

Download Links Al-Qur'an Recitation 30 Juz by K.H. Muammar ZA

Please Download here Al-Qur'an Recitation by K.H. Muammar ZA All Ayat Surah Qaf

Attention: Buy the original cassette and CD for he still works

Key Points of Contents

    • Faith
      o Every human being on the Day of Resurrection will be present in the waste mahsyar diiringkan by two angels, one as a retinue, and another as a witness to everything he does in the world
      o The resurrection from the dead man is described as a dry land, after the rain watered back to life
      o God closer to man than his own neck vein
      o Each man was accompanied by the angels who keep records of all actions
      o God created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days.

    • Laws
      o advice and bertahmid glorify God at night time before sunrise and after sunset and prayed
      o The command of Allah to His messenger to give warning with verses from the Qur'an to the believers
      o Recommendation attention to the incidence of heaven and earth

    • Others
      o disavowal of the polytheists against the Prophethood and the Day of Resurrection
      o Entertainment to the Prophet Muhammad not to despair in the face of recession pagans of Mecca, because the apostles before his people are also facing each rebuff
      o Al-Quran is a warning to those who fear the threat of God.

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