Surah Al-Isra'

>> Thursday, August 11, 2011

Surah Al-Isra '(Arabic: الإسرا, al-Isra, "Night Journey") is the 17th sura of the Qur'an. This Surah consists of 111 verses and sura-sura belonged Makkiyah. Surah is named by Al-Isra which means "memperjalankan at night", since the events of Israa 'Prophet Muhammad SAW. at the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Baitul Maqdis (Palestine) which are listed on the first verse of this sura. This letter also called by the name of Surah Bani Israel was associated with a narrative in verse 2 to verse 8 and then near the end of the sura that is in paragraph 101 to paragraph 104 where God says about the Children of Israel who after becoming a strong nation great again then become a nation that insulted that deviate from the teachings of Allah. Relate the story of Israel with a history of the Children of Israel in this sura, give warning that Muslims will experience a collapse, as well as the Children of Israel, if they also leave their religious teachings.

Download Links Al-Qur'an Recitation 30 Juz by K.H. Muammar ZA

Please Download here Al-Qur'an Recitation by K.H. Muammar ZA All Ayat Surah Al-Isra'

Attention: Buy the original cassette and CD for he still works

Principles of contents

1. Faith: God does not have children, either man or angel; God will provide sustenance to mankind; Allah has the names of the most good; Al-Quran is a revelation and the God who gives the instructions, bidders and mercy for those who believe; existence Mahsyar field and the Day of Resurrection.
2. The laws: Prohibition-ban God about: eliminating the human spirit, adultery, use the orphan's property except by way of religion is justified; bandwagon either with words or by deeds and disobedience to parents. Commandments about: fulfilling the promise and refine the scales and measure, perform prayers five times in his time.
3. The stories: The story of Israa 'the Prophet Muhammad, some stories about the Children of Israel.
4. And others: Coverage of human responsibility of each of his deeds; several factors that led to a renaissance and the destruction of a people; clues about relationships with parents, neighbors and community; human beings Allah. Noble, in the meantime people have also properties that are not good as like broken, hopeless and in a hurry; and spirit issues.

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