English Exam Drill Pack 5 - Bank Exams

>> Saturday, February 12, 2011

The banking sector seems to be an area which attracts a lot of people to work in it as an employee as for the reason which maybe due to the security, the great prospects or the handsome salaries or all of them. Banking sectors provide great openings at various levels which range from Clerical posts to that of Probationary Officers. Students who have achieved 60% or more in their graduation can opt for All India Examination which is conducted by the Public Sector Banks. This is the first step of the candidates towards a lifelong career in the Banking Profession. A candidate needs some preparations before he goes in for the entrance exams.

Download Drill of English for National Exam - Social Science Program

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A candidate appearing for PO exam needs to know the pattern of the exam. The exam is based on a written test consisting of two parts, namely, objective and descriptive. The objective part will consist of four sections- English language test, quantitative ability, Reasoning and General Awareness/ Marketing aptitude. These are the basics, along with, the exact paper is learnt when a candidate applies for the exam and in return obtains a 'acquaint yourself booklet'.
In the exam, there will be 225 questions on offer to be answered within 2 hrs and 15 minutes i.e., within 135 minutes. Approximately 36 seconds per questions. If a candidate is attempting about 175- 185 questions then its average. If he attempts greater than 190 questions with 90% accuracy then it is excellent!
Soto start with, I would propose to go for The General awareness/ Marketing aptitude section as there is less thinking business in it. All a candidate is required to do is just mark the answer by seeing the questions. Candidates are suggested to attempt as many as they can in this section but only if you are sure of the answer. This section should take a maximum of 25 minutes.
Following this section the candidate needs to jump on the English section. Here, generally, the first 10 questions will be based on a comprehensive passage. This part shall be ignored at first and the candidate should be able to solve the rest of the section which is very easy and is based on Basic English. This section will take 20-25 minutes.
Now depending upon the candidate's potential, he can either go for Reasoning or Quant but one should keep in mind about solving the easiest questions first and questions which require long calculation or time to think should be left over. If time permits then should be attempted. DI part in Quant is the easiest part and more focus should be brought upon this. Some questions can be orally solved which helps in saving a lot of time. So, candidates are requested to take special attention of these.
If Quant is attempted before then it leaves us with 45 minutes as Quant should be taking about 40 minutes. With 45 minutes in hand we need to solve 75 questions in Reasoning. Non-Verbal part in reasoning should not be neglected as there would be at least 15 questions belonging to it. At last there should be 5 minutes in hand which can either be utilized in solving the Reading comprehension in English or the questions belonging to arrangements in Reasoning.

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