Drill of Soal Snmptn 2012 - Physics

>> Saturday, July 23, 2011

Since the launch of The Secret there has been an explosion of the amount of Law of Attraction material available. In The Secret, we are presented with two Quantum Physicists, suggesting that our minds have almost limitless potential. Their statements are then leveraged by the other presenters (non-scientists) who promptly inform us that the Law of Attraction exists, thus marking the beginning of the alleged Law of Attraction Quantum Physics connection.
From this point on, we are sold the Law of Attraction, based on the "Law of Attraction Quantum Physics Relationship". But are there any real scientific experiments offering any proof that we are able to interact with a genie-like universal intelligence?

The other slightly confusing aspect of the law of attraction, are the various interpretations of how it actually works. In my research, I found that the cause of most arguments across the social webisphere were about whether or not physical action was required in order to manifest a desire. It seems that to many folks, the suggestion that the law of attraction process requiring no action in order to manifest, is absurd. Thus causing these particular people to write off the Law of Attraction Quantum Physics connection as pseudoscience.
Divine Intelligence: THE EVIDENCE
Before trying to establish whether or not it is even possible, for a human being to access or communicate with a divine intelligence, it seemed logical to first try to establish whether or not such a thing even existed.
In the documentary The Secret, quantum physicists describe our universe as a place where the appearance of things being solid is nothing more than an illusion, because at the smallest level, everything is actually made up of vibrating energy.
Also, when talking about how our thoughts effect the condition of our lives, Fred Alan Wolf PhD describes how this is possible:
It [Quantum Physics] says that you can't have a universe without mind entering into it. That the mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived.
While researching this Law of Attraction Quantum Physics conundrum, I stumbled upon an experiment that could reveal the existence of a divine intelligence. When this experiment was first carried out, it sent shock waves through the scientific community. It is referred to as the "Double Slit Experiment". The experiment involved the firing of electrons against a screen in different ways, and recording the way in which they behaved. The results seemed to defy logic. So, the scientists then decided to set up a monitoring device, so that they could record the actual process of the experiment, rather than merely analyzing the end results. Incredibly, the behavior of the electrons changed simply because they were being observed.
From this point on, all quantum physics experiments had to be carried out twice. Once without the process being observed, and again with observation included, simply to allow for the behavior of "an intelligence". This is now referred to as the L.O.O. (Law of Observation). This law is considered by many to be evidence of a divine mind, and is suitably leveraged by proponents of the law of attraction quantum physics relationship.
The existence of a divine intelligence is one thing, but this alone does not explain how we can access it. Proving the law of attraction quantum physics connect still needed a bit more work. I believe that the techniques taught in The Secret are based on teachings that come under two main categories:
People who claim to channel a divine intelligence, thus enabling it to speak through them. One good example of this is Esther Hicks who appeared in the original version of The Secret.

Historical texts from various cultures around the world, many of them describing the power of prayer. This subject has been extensively researched by scientist Gregg Braden who has no association with The Secret.
According to the basic teachings of The Secret, there is no mention of the necessity of human action. I believe these are two fundamental flaws. Although there is no evidence to suggest that trying to manifest life improvements is impossible without action, leaving out action (incl. human interaction) would seem extremely unwise. As for having anything that you want, this is not possible as there are certain limitations regarding the formation of physical things.

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You can wish for a third arm to grow out of your nose, and it won't happen, no matter how attracted you are to that thought.
This is because everything in nature is constructed according to mathematical laws, from the proportions of a human face to the dimensions of a butterfly's wings. Much research has been carried out into this area, both in the field of Cymatics, and the study of Sacred Geometry.
It would seem hard to believe in a Law of Attraction Quantum Physics connection, based on The Secret's teachings alone. I believe these teachings are mostly good, but simply incomplete. And, although it still seems hard to prove a Law of Attraction Quantum Physics connection, there is evidence proving that the mind can affect things outside of our physical bodies. These are known as I.I.E.D. experiments. And, experiments proving that our emotions affect our DNA, even after it has been removed from our body.

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